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It can be hard to find straight-forward information about workers’ compensation. 

Ask us a question and we’ll try and find the answer for you. This could be about who can make a workers’ compensation claim, how the claims process works, what sorts of benefits are available, or what you or your employers obligations are, for example. 

Perhaps there is something you wish you’d known at the beginning of your claim? Or something that you think would be useful for others to know? 

Please note: We are not able to answer questions about your individual claim or circumstances.

We have already answered some questions. Check out our FAQs section to see which answers have already been provided.

Still not sure? Send us an email and we’ll do our best to find the answer!

  • What is workers’ compensation?

    Workers’ compensation is a compulsory form of insurance paid by employers to a government or a private insurer. It is also called Workcover in some states. Any employer with at least one employee is legally required to have…

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  • What is the age limit for people to complete the survey, and why can’t under 18s be part of it?

    While we understand that often teenagers and younger children are involved in supporting family members following a work injury, we only have ethics approval to gather information from those 18 years and over. We must adhere to these guidelines for the study around the age limit for informed consent, even though we know other age-groups… Read…

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  • How can I keep up with the latest statistics and information of what you are finding?

    Make sure you Subscribe to our updates via this link on the home page, and we are already putting up regular updates of what is starting to come up. You will automatically be notified when we post new information on the website that way, so you wont miss anything. Please fee free to share this… Read…

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  • What influence will the study have over policy and systems in the future?

    Part of the reason for running this study is so that we can bring those worker voices to the fore and for any future reforms, we will be able to actually have the information and research ready to present. Then we can

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