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It can be hard to find straight-forward information about workers’ compensation.
Ask us a question and we’ll try and find the answer for you. This could be about who can make a workers’ compensation claim, how the claims process works, what sorts of benefits are available, or what you or your employers obligations are, for example.
Perhaps there is something you wish you’d known at the beginning of your claim? Or something that you think would be useful for others to know?
Please note: We are not able to answer questions about your individual claim or circumstances.
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What is workers’ compensation?
Workers’ compensation is a compulsory form of insurance paid by employers to a government or a private insurer. It is also called Workcover in some states. Any employer with at least one employee is legally required to have…
How do you intend this to actually make changes?
This findings of this study will be shared with regulators, insurers, policy makers, general public, those who participated, and also published in internationally read peer reviewed publications. We know that good research is vital to provide the backing for decision makers to make future changes and provides the necessary proof for change to occur. However,…
Are rural and particular remote clients being included and interviewed?
As the interviews are done via phone or zoom (the person chooses which method), we are able to connect with and interview, people from all over Australia. Part of the methods of random selection of people to be interviewed, is ensuring we have a selection of people across states / territories/ gender/ and length of…
Is the computer model being designed, intended to be presented as a national model, or is it intended to be applied by individual states/jurisdictions in their own way?
Initially we are creating a high level model that represents the similarities in the system, that occur across the nation. Through previous research we are aware of many of the differences in policy and practice that occur, however we need to build the first current model based on what generally occurs. Once we co-design the…