Incorporating the voices of those with lived experience is vital for impactful health and safety research.
Download the FULL Do’s and Don’ts document here
Here are some examples of the essential Dos and Don’ts for effectively engaging with Lived Experience Advisors, as highlighted in a recent ISCRR podcast by Dr Jimmy Twin, Dr. Elizabeth Pritchard and Workers’ Voice Lived Experience Advisor, Grainne Cruickshank:
- Establish a meaningful connection from the outset.
- Respect their time and ensure they are compensated.
- Clearly outline roles and expectations.
- Regularly check in and ensure inclusive discussions.
- Build mutual trust and value their contributions.

- Use lived experience as a token gesture.
- Pressure for immediate answers or undervalue their input.
- Assume they will naturally adapt to your group.
- Overlook the need for clear communication, including avoiding jargon.

Creating a respectful and inclusive environment allows for richer, more authentic contributions, ultimately leading to better research outcomes.
Download the FULL Do’s and Don’ts document here