Join us on Thursday 21st March 2024, 4pm – 5pm (AEDT).
Zoom link: https://monash.zoom.us/j/86493246406?pwd=V2pCVVlkdHJ0QkJqSmNUbXdPNm9LZz09.
Join Professor Alex Collie, Project Lead of the Workers’ Voice study and learn more about what the Workers’ Voice study is, what we aim to achieve, and how you can get involved.
If you’ve filed a workers’ compensation claim in Australia or know somebody who has, we want to learn from your experience as we believe your story can be a catalyst for positive change in the workers’ compensation system.
No need to register, jump into out Zoom link on Thurs 21st March at 4pm: https://monash.zoom.us/j/86493246406?pwd=V2pCVVlkdHJ0QkJqSmNUbXdPNm9LZz09
If you wish to register you can do so here.
Help us spread the word about the Information Session
We’d love for you to help us promote the upcoming event with your friends, family and colleagues. We have put together a Stakeholder Kit which includes copy-and-paste content and images for you to share on your social media pages. You can access the Stakeholder Kit and images here.
Who is it for?
This one-hour session is exclusively for people who have made workers compensation claims and their supporters such as family and friends.
Can I ask questions?
There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session. If you’d like to submit a question in advance, we invite you to do so here.
About the Workers’ Voice study
Workers’ Voice is a research study that aims to re-imagine workers’ compensation in Australia.
A 3-year study led by Monash University recognises that there is opportunity to improve the management and design of workers’ compensation systems so that they can better support workers who have been injured to return to work following a workplace injury or disease.
Many people who make a claim find the workers’ compensation process stressful and complex. We aim to design and model a system that reflects the experiences, views, and preferences of people who have made a workers’ compensation claim, in the last 10 years.
We are inviting workers who have made a claim and their family and friends to take part in this study. Collaborating with you, we will develop computer models of new systems based on your lived experience. Our study is led by researchers working in partnership with people who have lived experience of workers’ compensation claims.